
硫醇甲基錫 PE 蠟,OPE蠟 油脂 大豆油 環(huán)保增塑劑 液體復(fù)合穩(wěn)定劑 硫醇銻 內(nèi)外滑劑 熒光紫蘭 螺桿清洗劑 增強(qiáng)劑

您當(dāng)前的位置:首頁(yè) » 供應(yīng)產(chǎn)品 » 無(wú)味硫醇甲基錫SC-197
產(chǎn)品/服務(wù): 瀏覽次數(shù):1377無(wú)味硫醇甲基錫SC-197 
單 價(jià): 電議/面議 
發(fā)貨期限: 自買(mǎi)家付款之日起 3 天內(nèi)發(fā)貨
更新日期: 2018-08-22  有效期至:長(zhǎng)期有效
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  Micro taste environmental protection methyl tin thermally stable (SC-197)

  Methyl tin of environmental protection of little flavor is a kind of liquid sulphur alcohol methyl tin stabilizer, is high-efficient hot stabilizer produced in the polyvinyl chloride " PVC " hot processing course.

  Our company SC-197 product has the high content, characteristics and so on low smell nontoxicity.Its stability is high.The transparent compatible weathering resistance surpasses other organic tin thermally stable medicinal preparation. Simultaneously mercaptane methyl tin SC-197 also has the high security.The product conforms to the European union ROHS instruction through the SGS examination, this product uses the brand-new craft manufacture production, the product is completely tasteless, is suitable specially for to the smell request strict PVC product, if puts on make-up the bottle, the aggregate candy packing membrane. The food grade then nature PVC packing production, provides effectively the long-term thermostability.The product luster is pure, the safety performance is reliable

  Origin: Singapore

  SmellLow smell

  Tin content %19.7

  Sulphur content %11.0-12.0


  Viscosity(25C,Pa S)0.020-0.080


  AppearanceColourless transparent liquid

  Quality index:

  The use and consumption of recommending:

  1.PVC mangles transparent hard slice, magnetic stripe card, Christmas card; Recommend 0.8-1.2 of week for 100 copies of resin of consumption;

  2.PVC prints membrane, PVC a grain of material; Recommend 100 copies of resin of consumption to use 1.8-2.2;

  3.Pipe pipe fittings of PVC-U Sheung Shui, different type; Recommend 100 copies of resin of consumption to use 0.4-0.8;

  4. PVc hose, soft door curtain, transparent sandals, toy; Recommend consumption i oo a piece of resin to use 0.3-0.6.

  Packaging and storing:

  1, packaging, this product is by lining with moulding the drum or plastics package barrel to pack, the net weight 220kg per barrel, can also be according to user's requirement packaging.

  2. Transport: This product does not belong to the flammable and explosive dangerous cargo, can handle on one's behalf and check for users according to general freight transportation.

  3. Store: Propose storing it in dry, ventilating, photophobic place, cover the mouth up.

  4.It takes 12 months from it is a mouth produced quality guarantee period.


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